Tuesday, August 12, 2014

in pieces, peace

it's cool today
and the rain is coming
a storm wider than the state
stronger than I
more determined
more intense
and I am afraid that I may drown
if I stand outside in it long enough
for it to wash away all that I cannot control
I may be taken too
carried away by the water
that pulls me under
rolls me in the current
carries me to the river
to the sea
where my body will bob
with the other fallen
drowned in Missouri
in California
and every other city
in every other state
that fears illness
and hooded sweatshirts
and being alone.
We will find each other
brought together by the tides
a human garbage patch
woven together
still bruised from the rubber bullets
and the ropes
scarred and cut
before we ever went outside
to stand in the rain
praying for it all
to be washed away.

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