I started posting my poetry a few years ago on a website called letterineversent.com. I had an enjoyable enough time and I went there to write, when it suited me. However, I staretd to notice (as many others did) that because it is a free site and an open forum where anyone can post anything, there was quite a bit of crap there. One could easily get mired in page after page of teen angst and misguided attempts at soulful expression before ever getting to anything good.
Now, I will admit, some of my earlier work is hollow, or under-realized. However, do I think my work - my writing - is good? Yes. Yes I do. I think this because people have told me it is. They would ask to read my writing and I would direct them to the site. Inevitably they would come back saying they couldn't find me and I owed the $7.50 they had to spend on Excedrin Migraine.
So I started this blog.
There are a few pieces from my letterineversent archive:
Dear Someone,
Across the Table,
Dear Fag Basher,
I’m off my game,
Tower Hill (though it was this one that sparked the whole "start my own blog" idea).
The rest of these are new. I write them long-hand, edit while I type and post them for you. Have some freakin' decency and comment. It's all I have.