you're leaving me
years after I walked away
said "I'll see you later"
and never called again.
I sent cards
tried to keep you up to date
but the feeling that I was intruding
was oppressive
and it choked
it dampened
it extinguished the knowledge that I should
and replaced with the wish that I could.
Shit. I'm stupid.
I'm sorry.
I'll tell the others everything.
That's my take-away from this.
I'll tell them all of it
and hope the part of you that we will carry
will hear it too.
And I miss you
more than I can explain
more than I imagined.
Thank you for entrusting this pain to me
and this family to watch over.
I will not take lightly this responsibility
and I will not forget
you loved me
as a person
as a friend
and I will never not believe you
or stop loving you back.